The following is a list of my books with every trigger I could possibly think of. (Some of them may be spoilers?) Please feel free to contact me with any suggestions, or if you’ve read my books, please let me know anything I may have missed. Thanks so much for your support!

terminal illness, cancer, death, alcohol, divorce, body shaming by heroine’s ex, swearing, blasphemy, moderately explicit sex scenes

alcohol, death of spouse, divorce, pregnancy, childbirth, swearing, blasphemy, moderately explicit sex scenes

main character gets cheated on, emotional cheating, brief mention of human trafficking, alcohol, swearing, blasphemy, moderately explicit sex scenes

The Boyfriend Lessons

apartment break-in, toxic parents, swearing, blasphemy, explicit sex scenes, alcohol use

homelessness, swearing, blasphemy, explicit sex scenes, alcohol use

stalking, swearing, blasphemy, explicit sex scenes, alcohol use

alcohol, drugs, drugging, assault, politics, swearing, blasphemy, moderately explicit sex scenes

assault, bullying, alcohol, swearing, blasphemy, moderately explicit sex scenes

anxiety, murder, assault, guns, violence, death, alcohol, swearing, blasphemy, moderately explicit sex scene

car accident, death, suicide, drug addiction, depression, blasphemy, fade-to-black sexual content

While my characters definitely face some hard times, they always find their happily ever afters, usually with help from therapy, friends, family, and/or their love interest.

HEAs are guaranteed!